Welcome to the new term

We have been making the most of the last of the Autumn sunshine, we had a nature walk to Stokeley, spotting insects, birds and the changing face of the hedgerow, the children were really keen share their knowledge of what they knew about the insect world, as well as having fun with road signs that we saw along the way, especially the directional ones, giving clues to the way we needed to go. When we reached Stokeley, the children enjoyed a drink and some hot buttery jam and toast, before buying some fruit to take back to Pre-school for our snacks that week. We have also taken advantage of the blackberry bushes around us, foraging and taking them back to school where we cooked them up in a delicious apple and blackberry crumble, we have also made and baked our own bread, and chopped up lots of vegetables for winter vegetable soup.