Opening hours and arrivals procedures
9.05am – 3.00pm. Monday to Friday. Term time only.
Our session runs from 9.30am, but we understand that as a lot of parents drop off older siblings at the primary school for 9.15am, there is a 15 minute gap, so as to compensate for this we open our doors for 9.15am.
Session times
9.05am – 12pm | 9.05am – 1.00pm | 12pm – 3.00pm | – 3.00pm | 9.05am – 3.00pm
We are flexible within our times, please speak to a member of staff, to make the necessary arrangements
Pick up & drop off times
Please ensure your child is dropped off and collected at the correct times unless you have made a prior arrangement. Children arriving earlier or staying later than their ‘booked’ time may affect child to adult ratios. You will be invoiced for additional time.
Collection of children
All parents or guardians must collect their children at the end of each session. If they are unable to collect their child, they must arrange for collection by one of the authorised collectors (as declared in the child’s registration form) and notify Stokenham Pre-school in person, or on the telephone.
If parents are unable to collect their child or arrange for their collection, the procedure set out in the Non-collection of children policy will be enacted.
Stokenham Pre-school reserves the right to ask for additional payment to cover the cost of staff waiting with the child until he/she is collected.
There will be times when you are unable to collect your child from pre-school, and have asked someone else to collect them. For the safety of all children at Stokenham pre-school, we operate a password system, which you will have recorded on your registration form, when someone else is collecting your child, please inform us either in person or via telephone, and also tell the person who will be collecting your child, what the password is, as we will ask them on collection.
For children who are not funded the fees are currently £3.30 an hour, per child. A bill will be issued at the start of each half term (5-7weeks), and we require them to be paid 14 days from receipt of bill. Alternatively bills can be paid each week, (Please speak to the Manager if this causes difficulties.) Payments for any pre-arranged ad-hoc sessions are required on the day of the session being taken. Unfortunately, we cannot give refunds for sessions missed through holidays or illness, as the running expenses of the group will be the same. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or BACS.
Funded Entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds
We are registered to accept funding for three and four year olds, which starts the term after the child’s 3rd Birthday. The Manager will contact you if you to discuss arrangements and the necessary paperwork. Currently your child is entitled to 15 hours per week for 38 weeks per year; this can be broken down into any of our above sessions. Any hours above the first 15 hours will then be charged at our top-up fees rate.
2 year old funding
2gether funding entitles up to 15 hours of free childcare for 2 year olds. Your child is eligible if your family is receiving certain benefits, has a household income under £16,190, or if your child has a disability, special educational need, is adopted or placed under a residency order. Free places start the term after your child’s second birthday.
Your child is eligible if the family is receiving any of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit
- Income support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Child Tax Credit and have an annual household income (as assessed by HMRC) of no more than £16,190 per year
- Working Tax Credit and have an annual household income (as assessed by HMRC) of no more than £16,190 per year
- The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- The Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payments received when someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
- Family supported through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act.
Or if your child:
- receives Disability Living Allowance
- has a current statement of special educational needs or an Education Health and Care plan
- has left care through special guardianship, or an adoption or residence order.
Devon County Council are currently sending out Golden Tickets to eligible families, please bring this along with you, if you recieve one.
* Click here for information about Devon County Council funding >
Early years pupil premium
Do you get FREE childcare for your 3 or 4 year old? You could qualify for Early Years Pupil Premium. EYPP is money for childcare providers so they can do even more to support your child.
Please remember to advise us of any changes to your details immediately. New contact phone numbers, change of address etc. It is vital that our records are kept up to date. In an emergency we need to be able to contact you.
Daily Routines
9.05am –
- Good morning everyone!
9.05 am – 10.30am
- Free play
- Adult led activities
- Circle-time
10.30am – 10.50am
- Snack time
10.50am – 12.00pm
- Free play
- Adult-led activities
- Lunch time
- free play
- Adult led activities
- Drink and snack
- Story
- Good-bye, hope you have had a fun filled day!

Free play:
A child’s first and most important form of learning and development is made through play, they learn physical skills, develop their cognitive skills, to be imaginative and creative, and how to display their social and emotional attributes
Adult led activities:
These are based on the observations and interests, of each child, which are then used in the learning, development and next steps of the childs’ learning journey.
We make good use of our lovely outside space, and spend as much time as possible outside, so it would be great if you can bring appropriate clothing with you, such as sun hats, wellies, raincoats woolly hats etc.
We provide a healthy snack in the morning of fruit, vegetables, cheese and food such as crackers or rice cakes, accompanied by milk or water. In the afternoon, children have milk, water and a biscuit. We can cater for allergies too. Please speak to a member of staff about your child’s dietary requirements.